Monday, March 28, 2011

Dreamy Giveaway

Thank you so much for helping me get to 150 Facebook fans.  As promised I will be giving away a beautiful piece of jewelry.  Since starting my jewelry business was a dream come true for me I only thought it fitting for the prize to be my "Dream" affirmation bracelet. 

Midnight Blue and sterling silver beads with Pewter Dream coin charm, pewter angel wing, antique silver crescent moon and sterling silver and Swarovski crystal dangle.

So here are the instructions to enter.  First, go to my Facebook page and click "like", then comment on any piece of jewelry in the 2011 collection of pictures, finally head back to this blog and answer the question below.  Deadline for entry is 4/1/11 at 6pm EST.  The winner will be chosen at random and announced on Saturday 4/2/11.  In order to keep it fair please limit entry to one per person.  Duplicate entries will be discarded.  Thank you and good luck!

Question:  My own jewelry business was a dream come true for me.  Dreams can be simple everyday achievements or something you have worked long and hard for.  What is a dream that has come true for you? 


  1. A dream that has come true for me is on Christmas morning one year when i was a little girl i wanted a play kitchen...well when Santa brought for me i could belive that the dream of my little kitchen came true i was scared to play with it for about 45 minutes i stood in shock!!!

  2. my dream would be to retire to costa rica and start my own cottage business of fresh herbs and perserves. We just got back from costa rica and I can't wait until we don't have to leave

  3. When I was a kid I always wanted to travel in Europe. When I was 16/17 I was an exchange student and I got to do it. When I was 23 I moved there and am still living the dream and traveling Europe every chance I get!

  4. My dream come true are my three beautiful daughters and two grandaughters. They are a joy!

  5. my dream come true is when my grandaughter was born and she was blessed with those precious green eyes and long black hair now when ever she says abuela ilove you it gives me goose bumps

  6. chereyl the anonymous person is me theresa i didnt putmy name about the granddaughter

  7. As a little girl I always dreamed that when I grew up I wanted a boy and a girl and in that order. My dreams came true when Marcus was first born and 17 months after, Maggie was born. I have my 2 healthy, smart, funny and loving children. My dreams have come true!!!

  8. the previous comment was by me, Lizzy. I don't know how to get the Lizzy said part...

  9. Thank you all for the comments! I see that a few of you are having trouble getting your name in the post. After you type your comment choose Comment as: Name/URL. Type your name in the name box. You can leave URL blank unless you have a website you would like to share. Then click post comment. You will them have to enter a word for security to keep us Spam free. Thank you and keep the entries coming!

  10. My dream come true was to find one of my very best friends from childhood. I am so glad we have gotten in touch again. And my beautiful two little boys!

  11. My dream came true on October 26th 2010. My daughter
    Autumn Rose was born. She is the apple of my eye. :)

  12. A dream of mine that came true is when i was a little girl i wanted to do hair when i grew up when i palyed with dolls i only played with there hair and while in school i got my licence to become a butician
